LLP "ECO-Astana NR" provides full range of services in the field of environmental and engineering consulting
The Company’s priorities are environmental protection, employee health, and workplace safety. Our activities are focused on reducing the negative impact on the natural environment and creating safe working conditions.
Company strives to inspire business partners and its employees toward sustainable changes, helping to achieve success and creating long-term values for society and the environment. We work in partnership with clients, implementing optimal solutions to deliver the best outcomes. We are committed to creating a better future.
Create sustainable future on daily basis, strengthening trust in society and addressing critical challenges. To combine expertise, knowledge, and innovation to inspire change and deliver long-term results. To turn aspiration into reality, create new opportunities, and promote sustainable development in every aspect of our work.
We take care of our employees, customers and the environment, and actively promote teamwork to achieve meaningful and measurable results
Care and cooperation
We respect diversity and draw strength from our differences by supporting an inclusive culture and equal opportunities for all
Unity and diversity
We make bold decisions and take responsibility for our actions and their impact on the world around us
and responsibility
We strive for continuous improvement and use innovative approaches to achieve our goals
and development
We always interact respectfully, guided by principles of honesty and transparency
Honesty and integrity
We have been providing environmental and engineering consulting services
13 may
The company received a Certificate of Accreditation as a subject of scientific and/or scientific-technical activity with unlimited validity period
24 october
The company, in partnership with LLP "EnEco Solutions," established a structure to develop the market for verification and validation services for greenhouse gas documentation—the Association of Legal Entities "Union of Verifiers of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'ETS KZ VERIFIERS.'"
22 december
the National Accreditation Center registered the company in the Registrar of Accreditation entities as greenhouse gas validation and verification body for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14 065, ST RK ISO 17 029. The company confirms its accreditation every 5 years
16 october
License for project activities (category II) was obtained
7 october
The company was accredited by the Authorized Environmental Protection Body to carry out verification, validation (determination) activities related to the reduction and absorption of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the verification of greenhouse gas inventory reports
7 february
The program and license for the use of the server and client components of the "Well Project Development Software Package" were acquired with unlimited validity period. Employees the company completed relevant training in project design.
1 october
The license for conducting exploration activities with unlimited validity period was obtained
1 october
License for project activities (category III) was obtained
22 february
The company introduced integrated management system, which is constantly being improved and its compliance with established standards is confirmed in process of regular recertification
8 february
The license for works and services in field of hydrocarbons with unlimited validity period was obtained
19 october
Certificate of accreditation of a non-governmental scientific organization was received for period of 5 years
11 september
The company received Certificate in field of industrial safety and continues to confirm its certification every five years
14 august
The company’s employees underwent advanced training in the acquired "ERA" software package
24 may
License was obtained to perform works and provide services in field of environmental protection
The first contract was signed for the development of waste management standards
24 november
The first licenses for environmental design and standardization, environmental assessment and audit were obtained
8 november
Foundation and registration of LLP «ECO -Astana NR»
5 october
In the following years, the company dynamically developed and expanded scope of its services
28 august
the company was accredited within the framework of the certified program of the Association of Renewable Energy «Qazaq Green» Qazaq Green Certificate for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14066-2016 and ST RK ISO/IEC 17029-2020
Since 2009, LLP "ECO-Astana NR" has reached the level of providing services under long-term contracts with major industrial companies
  • October 5, 2006
    Foundation and registration of LLP "ECO -Astana NR"
  • November 8, 2006
    The first licenses for environmental design and standardization, environmental assessment and audit were obtained
  • November 24, 2006
    The first contract was signed for the development of waste management standards
  • May 24, 2007
    The license to perform works and provide services in field of environmental protection was obtained
  • August 14, 2007
    The company’s employees underwent advanced training in the acquired "ERA" software package

  • In the following years, the company dynamically developed and expanded scope of its services

  • September 11, 2008
    The company received a Certificate in field of Industrial Safety and continues to confirm its certification every five years
  • October 19, 2009
    A Certificate of accreditation of a non-governmental scientific organization was received for period of 5 years
  • February 08, 2011
    The license for works and services in field of hydrocarbons with unlimited validity period was obtained
  • February 22, 2011
    The company introduced an integrated management system, which is constantly being improved and its compliance with established standards is confirmed in process of regular recertification
  • October 1, 2012
    The license for project activities (category III) was obtained
  • October 1, 2012
    The license for conducting exploration activities with unlimited validity period was obtained
  • February 7, 2013
    The program and license for the use of the server and client components of the "Well Project Development Software Package" were acquired with unlimited validity period. Employees the company completed relevant training in project design.
  • October 7, 2013
    The company was accredited by the Authorized Environmental Protection Body to carry out verification, validation (determination) activities related to the reduction and absorption of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the verification of greenhouse gas inventory reports
  • On October 16, 2017
    The license for project activities (category II) was obtained
  • December 22, 2017
    The National Accreditation Center registered the company in the Registrar of Accreditation entities as greenhouse gas validation and verification body for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14 065, ST RK ISO 17 029. The company confirms its accreditation every 5 years
  • October 24, 2018
    The company, in partnership with LLP "EnEco Solutions," established a structure to develop the market for verification and validation services for greenhouse gas documentation—the Association of Legal Entities "Union of Verifiers of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'ETS KZ VERIFIERS.'"
  • May 13, 2019
    The company received a Certificate of Accreditation as a subject of scientific and/or scientific-technical activity with unlimited validity period
  • August 28, 2024
    The company was accredited within the framework of the certified program of the Association of Renewable Energy "Qazaq Green" Qazaq Green Certificate for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14 066−2016 and ST RK ISO/IEC 17 029−2020
  • Since 2009, LLP "ECO-Astana NR" has reached the level of providing services under long-term contracts with major industrial companies

Our team consists of professionals with extensive and multidisciplinary experience in the field of environmental and engineering consulting, as well as production of various media products for industrial enterprises. The company brings together specialists with diverse expertise, enabling us to effectively address challenges of any complexity.
Click to learn
Impartiality Assurance Policy
Validation and/or verification body, when performing validation and/or verification activities, adheres to the Impartiality Assurance Policy to prevent conflicts of interest and bias
more than 10 years
LLP "ECO-Astana NR" is registered in the Registrar of Accreditation entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan as greenhouse gas validation and verification body (accreditation certificate no. KZ.V.01.E1382 dated 10/13/2022, valid until 10/13/2027) and has been providing verification and validation services for greenhouse gas reporting by Kazakhstani enterprises for over 10 years
Аттестат аккредитации №KZ.V.01.E1382 от⦁13.10.2022⦁г.
Does not offer or conduct consultations on inventory of greenhouse gases if greenhouse gas verification or validation services have been provided or will be provided to this Customer
Submit a complaint
All complaints sent to the email addresses eco-astana-nr@mail.ru and manager@ecoastana.kz are registered in the incoming correspondence log and reviewed in accordance with PP-02−04−17 "Regulation on the Commission for Ensuring Impartiality and Complaints", PP-02−05−17 "Regulations on the Appeals Commission"
As the validation and verification body of LLP "ECO-Astana NR" declares that:
Ensuring impartiality is indispensable and mandatory condition that guarantees trust in validation and verification process
The management of the VVB requires that its employees, full-time or engaged, identify any situations known to them that may involve them or the VVB in a conflict of interest. The VVB uses this information as input when identifying threats to ensure impartiality
Employees, whether full-time or engaged, will not be involved in performing verification/validation work until they demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest
The management of the VVB is responsible for implementing the Policy of Impartiality and ensuring objective conduct of work on verification of greenhouse gases
All employees of the VVB, full-time and engaged, who may influence verification activities, must act impartially and avoid commercial, financial or other pressure compromising their impartiality
Ensuring impartiality is indispensable and mandatory condition that guarantees trust in validation and verification process
Commission for Ensuring Impartiality and Reviewing Complaints related to the validation and/or verification process
The company has
Learn more about activities of the Union can be found on the official website
The Union of Legal Entities "Union of Verifiers of the Republic of Kazakhstan "ETS KZ VERIFIERS"
  • The main objective of the Union is to develop a common strategy for advancing of validation and verification services, enhancing the professionalism of experts, and ensuring fair and equitable conditions in the services market;
  • ·The Union actively cooperates with state and international bodies, as well as provides consulting and information support to its members;
  • Membership provides access to professional training, participation in specialized events, and the opportunity to contribute to the development of legislative acts in the field of greenhouse gas emissions regulation.
On October 24, 2018, LLP «ECO-Astana NR», together with LLP «EnEco Solutions», created
The Union is an independent non-profit organization uniting legal entities and bodies involved in the validation and verification of greenhouse gases in the Republic of Kazakhstan
We will be glad to cooperate!
We are on social media
Republic of Kazakhstan, 010 000, Astana,
Yesil district, Syganak str., 58/1, office 10
Opening hours:
MON-FRI: 9:00 - 18:00