were managed / completed independently during work
Russian (native) Kazakh (beginner) English (using dictionary)
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, ERA-air PC, ERA-waste PC «Logos-Plus» NCE, Corel Draw
Work experience
2009 — present.
LLP "ECO-Astana NR" Project Manager
2009 — 2011
Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumelev, specialty "Biology", academic degree "Master"
2005 — 2009
Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumelev, specialty "Biology", academic degree "Bachelor"
Additional information
2022. Certificate of completion of the course "GHG verifier/validator- advanced course (ISO 14067:2018; ISO 14064−1:2018; ISO 14064−3:2019)", Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with UNDP, Republic of Kazakhstan
2022. Certificate of completion of the course "Effective waste management at the enterprise in accordance with new legislative requirements", Center for "Promotion of Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Republic of Kazakhstan
2022. Certificate of completion of the course "Development in Carbon Related Policies and Linkages with Trade for Kazakhstan", International Trade Center, Republic of Kazakhstan
2020. Certificate of completion of the course "GHG Verification and Validation", UNDP, RK
2020. Certificate of completion of the course "Carbon Management Tools", UNDP, RK
2017. Certificate of completion of the course "Practical Training on Verification of Greenhouse Gases", USAID, RK
2017. Certificate of completion of the course "ISO 14064−1 and ISO 14064−3: Verification of greenhouse gases. Legislative requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international experience", LLP "EnEcoSolutions", Republic of Kazakhstan
2017. Certificate of completion of the course "ISO 14065:2013 standard. International experience. Accreditation in accordance with the requirements of the standard", LLP "EnEcoSolutions", Republic of Kazakhstan
Have been completed during the work
over 150 projects
works on validation and verification of packages of documents on greenhouse gases, including for JSC NCOC N.V., JSC SSMPPA, JSC TNK Kazchrome, etc.
projects in the field of atmospheric air protection and environmental impact assessment (EPA, EIA), including for JSC KazTransOil, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC, LLP "BI Project", etc.;
works in the field of industrial safety (DIS, expertise), including for LLP "Sagiz Petroleum Companies", LLP "Tau-Ken Altyn", etc.
projects/programs on waste management (DWDS /WMP), including for KPO B.V. B.V., Alties Petroleum International B.V., LLP "KAZPETROL GROUP", etc.
programs for the development of processing (associated/natural) crude gas (DPRGP), including for Alties Petroleum International B.V., "KAZPETROL GROUP LLP", SOC LLP "KazMunaiTeniz", etc.
projects to eliminate the consequences of subsurface use activities, including for LLP "Kazakhturkmunai", LLP "Arna Petroleum", LLP " KMG Kansu Operating"
works on Environmental audit, for JSC "Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2 Station", and LLP "Falcon Oil and Gas LTD"
6 ye.
of maintaining the integrated management system of ST RK ISO 9001−2016; ST RK ISO 14001−2016, ST RK ISO 45001−2019
6 ye.
of implementation and maintenance of the system of standards ST RK ISO 14065−2016, ST RK ISO 14064−3-2019
Professional development
Сertificate of course completion "Methane Emissions for the Oil and Gas Sector", Carbon Limits, Norway
Certificate of an expert who carries out expert work and engineering services in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the specialization "Environmental part", State Institution "Department of State Architectural and Construction Control of Astana"
Certificate of an expert in the validation and verification of greenhouse gases, The Body for confirming the compliance of the staff of the RSE at the KazInSt PCB, Republic of Kazakhstan