Total work experience
39 years
Project manager
Yelena Aleksandrovna
were managed / completed independently during work
Russian (native)
Kazakh (using dictionary)
English (using dictionary)
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Fine Reader
Work experience
present. LLP «ECO-Astana NR»
Project Manager
2008 — 2023
LLP «Stroyengineering Astana»
Associate Director
2005 — 2008
JSC "Main Dispatching Department of the Oil and Gas Industry"
Head of the Department of Production and Technical Standards of the Department of Technical Regulation
Chief Specialist of the Department of Production and Technical Standards of the Department of Technical Regulation
2003 — 2005
JSC "Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas"
Chief Specialist of the Department of Ecology
2001 — 2003
Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov
Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Faculty of Biology
1990 — 2001
Scientific Research Center of the Karaganda State Medical Academy Research Associate
Junior research assistant
Senior Laboratory Assistant
1990 — 2001
Loading and Transport Department of the Production Association "Karagandacoal"
Inspector of the personnel department
The receiver
Undergraduate, Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov
1985 — 1991
Candidate of Biological Sciences in the specialties 14.00.07 — hygiene and 03.00.04 — biochemistry
Additional information
  • 2015. Certificates of completion of the course "Automated repair and maintenance management system" and "Automated resource management system of an industrial enterprise" Block "NRD — Reference books of the inventory", LLC "EnTechEco", Ukraine
  • 2018. Certificate of completion of the course "Internal Auditor of integrated management Systems: quality (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management (ISO 14001:2015), occupational safety and Health management (ISO 18001:2007)", Team Expert SM LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2023. Certificate of completion of the online course "Clarification of the norms of the Environmental Code", "Development and implementation of Environmental Policies and Regulations" (DITP), EU
  • 18 published scientific papers, including 13 articles, 4 theses and 1 collection of methodological recommendations
Have been completed during the work
Over 900 projects
projects within the framework of the development of TSS for obtaining a Comprehensive environmental report for KPO B.V.
projects within the framework of the development of the Environmental Concept of KPO B.V.
projects in the field of analysis, assessment and audit of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air
projects to increase soil carbon (offset projects)
scientific-research reports in the fields of rationing and environmental protection in the oil and gas industry (AOR, PKOP, SHNOS, KPO B.V., etc.)
Declaration of Industrial Safety of hazardous production facilities
expertise for compliance with industrial safety requirements
standardization documents for the oil and gas industry and related industries, including standards in the field of environmental protection
Professional development
Сertificate of course completion "Methane Emissions for the Oil and Gas Sector", Carbon Limits, Norway
Diploma of professional retraining in the program "Technical regulation in the government and business" for professional activities in the field of management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Certificate of specialization in the course "Environmental audit", Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan
State license for the performance of works and provision of services in the field of environmental protection, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Certificate of professional development in the course «Modern Safety Management». «Asset Integrity Management and Management system. Certification and training», Det Norske Veritas Energy, Norway
Certificate of professional development on the topic "Heavy Oil Refining", Japan cooperation center Petroleum (GCCP), Japan
Certificate of completion of professional development courses for working with the ERA software package, NPP «Logos-Plus», Russian Federation